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Okoye twins silent over father's death

Peter and Paul Okoye of Psquare remain mute about the death of father.
Psquare, Peter and Paul Okoye and also older brother Jude Okoye who lost their father Pa Okoye on Monday November 24, 2014 have remained silent on the issue.
Pulse.ng contacted the superstar group's PR person to comment on the silence of the twins.
'Psquare is not ready release a public statement about the unfortunate loss of their father', the twins' rep Bayo Adetu told Pulse.ng.
Pa Okoye passed on after the completion of a successful knee surgery.
It's understandable that the Okoye family is grieving and need time to mourn their beloved father. Only Lola Omotayo, Peter Okoye's wife came out to openly address the loss of her father-in-law on Instagram.
We commiserate with the Okoye family during this difficult time.

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